Monday, February 7, 2011


It's exciting. My first ebook. Well it is not really my first. I found while scrolling through Amazon a few months ago that I already had three ebooks, electronic versions of three hard cover little histories which had been published in the Little Red Book series by Excile Publishing in 2005 -6. But Brigid is the first ebook I am responsible for publishing through my new publishing house Eureka House. And Brigid is not exactly new either. The original version was published in paperback in 1999 by Indra Publishing and has long been out of print.

The story set in Ireland tells the story of the Great Potato Famine as experienced by the ghost of the narrator's great great aunt who accompanies her as she journeys clockwise around Ireland. Most of the story is set in County Clare and it explores the hardships experienced by the people of the Burren, the role of the secret societies, and devastation caused by the potato blight. Brigid can be downloaded from Amazon.

I have to admit that I can't take too much credit for getting Brigid to Amazon. All the hard work of converting the text to ePub, designing a new cover, and uploading it was done by my daughter. It is so good to have a teckie daughter.

Link to Brigid on Amazon

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