Friday, February 25, 2011

Spreading the Word

My role in getting Brigid converted into an eformat and loaded to Amazon was minimal. Emma applied her considerable techie skills to that task. The publicity, though, is my responsibility and I have to start applying all the information I have absorbed over the last few months of researching the possibility of going digital. First and foremost is this blog, beautifully set out for me by Emma but whether it is being read by anyone out there in cyberspace I have no idea. I can only hope! Then there is facebook. Up till now I have avoided the social networks principally because i don't quite understand how they work, but now I have a page and some friends but I don't know whether they know I exist as I have had contact with only a couple of them. I feel I need advice on how I can tell more people about Brigid, particularly those who have taken to reading electronically.

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